Welcome to Nature Preschool
Our Nature Preschool welcomed its first class the fall of 2016 and is an extension of the Learning Tree Farm’s mission to provide hands-on learning experiences for children and families in a traditional farm setting. We are excited to be able to provide our students with all the components parents look for in a high-quality “traditional” preschool program, while fully immersing them in the natural surroundings of our 85-acre farm and woodlands complete with hiking trails, historical structures, gardens, fields, and dozens of farm animals to explore and discover each and every day!
About Us
Our program is shaped by the Reggio-Emilia educational approach. This means we take our lead from the curiosity and wonder of our young learners and embrace our environment as a valuable component, almost as another teacher, of the learning process. Project-based learning experiences and daily reflections by both students & staff play heavily in guiding our program. We also embrace a process art (i.e. free painting with a variety of materials chosen by the child) vs. product art (i.e.group projects that look identical) approach. Learning and creative materials complement the natural classroom spaces found outdoors and indoors to round out this unique and invaluable educational experience.
One of the most obvious elements of a nature-based program that really sets us apart from a more traditional setting is that our classes are outside every day, even in light rain and snow, for the majority of our time together. Never fear, to ensure safety and comfort, we work closely with our student’s families to assure proper clothing and skin protection for all seasons. In addition, safety precautions are adhered to and we are not outside when it is pouring rain, when there is thunder or lightning, or in the cases of severely cold temperatures. In such situations, we limit our outdoor time accordingly.
We are eager to share our passion for building a community of lifelong learners and lovers of nature at the Learning Tree Farm Nature Preschool with you & your family!
Our Philosophy
We believe that concrete daily experiences in nature, with ample time to explore, build children’s ability to problem solve and self-regulate.
Our emergent and child-centered curriculum allows us to investigate nature and the farm using a multidisciplinary approach. By harnessing children’s natural curiosity, and using multiple senses, we are able to meet children’s developmental needs while creating a deep connection with nature.
We believe that early, repeated exposure to the natural world facilitates growth of personal identity and an understanding of the interconnection between humans and their environments.

Connect with Us
The Nature Preschool center is located just north of the original Learning Tree Farm at 3274 South Union Rd. on the southwest side of Dayton, Ohio.
You can contact us year round at nature.preschool@learningtreefarm.org
Program Highlights
Licensed preschool through the State of Ohio
Classes are 2 days/week and run from the end of August through May
We have an extended winter “hibernation” from mid-December to the beginning of February.
Classes are mixed-aged three to five year-olds
Incoming students are required to be toilet trained and using underwear. Please contact our Director for any questions regarding this policy.
Child to Staff Ratio
Our smaller class size enhances learning opportunities and foster community allowing children to develop relationships with their peers and teachers.
We aim to spend at least 65-75% of every day out of doors
and when the weather is fair, you will often find us outside for the whole day!
Project based learning with an emergent curriculum and the Reggio-Emilia inspired approach
We use StoryPark for documentation and parent communication
Lead teachers train in First Aid, CPR, Communicable Disease, and Child Abuse Identification
Below you will find our schedule for the 2025-2026 school year.
All classes are groups of mixed-age students from 3-5 years of age.

Regular Preschool Schedule
- 2 classes of 16 students each.
- Cardinal class runs on Mondays & Wednesdays, from 9 am-1 pm
- Blue Jay class runs on Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 9 am-1 pm
- A daily healthy morning snack will be provided.
- Students will bring a packed lunch each day.
- The majority of programming will be held outdoors and weather depending we may wrap up the day indoors.
- We continue to follow CDC guidelines for respiratory illness (Covid-19, Flu and RSV) prevention and mitigation, including masking when extended exposures have occurred.
- $100 non-refundable registration fee
- $2800 paid in 8 monthly installments of $350.

Friday Falcons
This add-on class is for students who are already enrolled in our Nature Preschool.
The Friday Falcons class extends the content explored earlier in the week but has more of an emphasis on researching (reading), documentation (writing), and performing additional science experiments.
- Offered on Fridays from 9am-1pm, February-April
- Composed of a mixed group of students from the Blue Jay and Cardinal
- This class has an additional cost.
- Enrollment offers will be made during fall parent/teacher conferences
- Offers are based on the student’s age, their ability to participate, self-regulate, and move throughout their Cardinal/Blue Jay day independently.
The 2025-2026 school year runs from the end of August to the end of May.
School Holidays include:
Fall Break, the week of Thanksgiving
Winter Break, the second half of December & all of January
Spring Break, one week during the end of March/beginning of April
Individual Federal Holidays

Enrollment process.
Children must be 3 years old by August 1st and be fully toilet trained by the first day of school. New enrolled children cannot have turned 5 years old before August 1st.
Enrollment for Nature Preschool is done through a lottery, with returning students filling the first round of available slots, siblings filling the second round, and new families filling the third round until all 16 slots in both classes, for a total of 32 slots, are filled.

How much does it cost?
Tuition for the 2025-2026 year consists of a $100 non-refundable registration fee to be paid upon receipt of an enrollment offer and 8 monthly payments of $350 for care from August – May with no payments made in January or May.
Nature.Preschool@LearningTreeFarm.org FOR MORE DETAILS.

HOW DO I enroll my child?
Registration for the Enrollment Lottery for the 2025-26 School Year will be open from January 2-February 2, 2025
Click Here for Enrollment Lottery

open houses
Typically we do not give tours throughout the school year, but we do invite you to join us for our annual OPEN HOUSES to meet some of our staff, explore our indoor & outdoor spaces and learn more about our programs.
Friday, January 24, 2025 from 5:30 pm -7:00 pm
Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 10:00 am-1:00 pm
Future Interest Form
By completing this form you are signing up to be included in our email list which will send reminders about open houses, enrollment lottery, Nature Preschool programming, and preschool aged community programming at Learning Tree Farm.
***Please note, signing up for this email list is NOT enrollment in the preschool or its wait list. It is for information distribution ONLY. ***
Meet the Learning Tree Farm
Nature Preschool Teaching Team!
As Education professionals, we have studied our field a great deal and are intentionally creating this community to be a place where learning and exploration is hands-on and child led. The teachers’ role in our program is to create an environment where children can explore social, academic, and natural topics. To achieve this we will observe, learn about the children, and then reflect on how to alter the environment to foster meaningful interactions and growth opportunities. We feel it is important that the children view us as co-learners in our community and as such ask that they address us by our first names. We appreciate it if you do this as well, both as members of the community we are forming, and to set an example for your children. We look forward to getting to know more about you and your young learners and invite you to get to know a little more about each of us below.

René Hick Preschool Director & Teacher at Learning Tree Farm Nature Preschool | Early Childhood Educator for over 10 years | A member of the LTF Education Team since 2016
I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Michigan and my nursing background continues to be the foundation for my developmentally appropriate practice and holistic approach to early education. I approach each child where they are, validating them as a multi-dimensional human being, and differentiate my approach based on their individual needs. I believe Learning Tree Farm is a wonderful place to make discoveries about ourselves and our connection to the natural world.

Teacher at Learning Tree Farm
Nature Preschool in the Cardinal Class
I have worked in a variety of educational settings over the years and feel incredibly fortunate to have landed at the Learning Tree Farm. How lucky are we that the environment we find ourselves in at the LTF offers so much to teach and inspire us?!? My goal, no matter the program or age of people I am working with, is to share and develop a deeper curiosity and love of learning. I can’t wait to explore and discover with you and your family!

Jennifer Hartman
Teacher at Learning Tree Farm
Nature Preschool in the Cardinal & Falcon Class
Discovery Coordinator
Early Childhood Educator for almost 30 years
A member of the LTF Education Team since 2021
I have always loved child-led, play-based learning as the best approach to fostering: self-esteem, independence, social emotional development and problem solving in young children. I absolutely love seeing the excitement on children’s faces as they navigate a variety of environments, using an array of materials as they experiment, learn and grow. It is a beautiful thing to witness childhood being respected, valued and restored here at Learning Tree Farm Nature Preschool.

Sarah Lamont
Teacher at Learning Tree Farm
Nature Preschool in the
Cardinal & Blue Jay Classes
Staff Naturalist
Outdoor & Early Childhood Educator
for over 20 years
A member of the LTF Education Team since 2015
I strongly believe everyone benefits from having a connection to the outdoors and I really love watching children make their own nature discoveries. From splashing in mud puddles, to counting all the legs of all of our goats, and nature journaling in the woods, young learners have exciting opportunities at Learning Tree Farm to explore nature. I credit my love of nature to a childhood on a unique piece of land that was both a sheep farm and prairie fen. I graduated from Michigan Technological University with a BS in Geology.

Shana lloyd
Teacher at Learning Tree Farm
Nature Preschool in the Blue Jay & Falcons Class
Staff Gardening Specialist
Early Childhood & Nature Immersive Educator
for over years 6
A member of the LTF Education Team since 2023
“Play is not a break from learning. It
is endless, delightful, deep, engaging,
practical learning.” – Vince Gowman. There is nothing like the excitement and wunder as children explore the outdoors, get dirty in wild spaces and are able to embrace curiosity as they engage in play. Learning Tree Farm is such a special place that fosters social emotional development, imagination and critical skill building in young children. I love to withness the children make their own discoveries, connect with nature and each other. As a trauma informed educator, the link between early experiences in nature, outdoor play and emotional wellness have been my passion for over a decade. To be part of this learning community is truly a gift!