iNaturalist is a smartphone app that lets you easily catalog what you see in nature. With it loaded to your phone, you can help identify other people’s observations and get help ID-ing something that you observed. The “Projects” feature is a way to organize your observations by location. This feature is a great way to see what’s happening in your own yard or your favorite hiking spot and can help you become more familiar with the plants and animals in our area.

At Learning Tree Farm, we have a project titled “Flora and Fauna at Learning Tree Farm”. Since we began using the app in 2016, we’ve made 200+ observations and have identified 98 different species of wild plants and animals on the farm! You can see our observations in the app by searching for the project name mentioned above and can even add to the project yourself!

While visiting the farm, if you observe an interesting plant, animal, insect etc. use the iNaturalist app on your phone to take a picture and record it.  Under the tab labeled “Projects”, enter the farm’s project name. We’d love to see what you find on the farm!

~ Brooke Medlin, Garden Manager

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